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问:幼儿讲故事后可以提什么问题?30个问题 in english
GPT答: 7i24.cn
1. What was your favorite part of the story?
2. Who were the main characters in the story?
3. Where did the story take place?
4. Can you retell the beginning, middle, and end of the story in your own words?
5. How do you think the characters felt at different parts of the story? Why?
6. What problem or conflict did the characters face in this story? How was it resolved?
7. Did you like how this story ended? Why or why not?
8. What lesson or moral do you think this story teaches us?
9. If you were one of the characters, what would you have done differently in this situation? Why?
10. Can you think of another way to solve a problem that occurred in this story?

11.What kind of person is [character's name]? 
12.What are some words that describe [character's name]? 
13.How does [character's name] feel when... ? 
14.Why do they feel that way? 
15.What would happen if... ? 
16.If I were there, what would I have done differently than... ? 

17.Can someone tell me about a time when they experienced something similar to what happened in our book today?

18.Do any parts remind anyone about anything from their own lives?

19.Would anyone like to share a connection between something we read today and another book we've read before?

20.Does anyone know any other stories with similar themes or messages as our book today?

21.How could we change an event from our book so it has a different outcome?

22.Can someone explain why certain events happened during our reading time today?

23.Does anyone know where else these events might occur outside of books (in real life)?

24.Can someone explain how two different things from our reading time are alike (or not alike)?

25.Do any parts remind anyone about anything happening now around them?

26.Does anyone know any other stories with similar themes or messages as our book today?

27.How could we change an event from our book so it has a different outcome?

28.Can someone explain why certain events happened during our reading time today?

29.Does anyone know where else these events might occur outside of books (in real life)?

30.Can someone explain how two different things from our reading time are alike (or not alike)?
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 查下百度 查下必应 11-25 11:35:55

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